Thursday 31 October 2019


Creative Fancy Thoughts!
Mind's Eye!
Insight scenes!

Have you ever knew about the Terabithia? 

It is an imaginary kingdom. The Kingdom was plotted in the novel Bridge to Terabithia. It is a work of children's literature about two lonely children who create a magical forest kingdom in their imaginations. It was written by Katherine Paterson and was published in 1977 by Thomas Crowell. 

"Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open." - Katherine Paterson
What else you can do with you and your mind? Have you imagined and created your dream area? Can you close the routine world and open your mind?  How many things became reality?
After knowing this, I too have an imaginary world within me.

When I sit with my self, I imagine the world that may be or may not be. I create my own world, my dream world. I assume people, acts and situations that I have seen or not seen, felt or not, faced or not, happened with me or not. I forgive people, I learn from people and try to inculcate new ideas of others. I assume I will perform this when the lady will come, I will perform that when the person will come, I will do this when something will happen. I play sports, I play instruments, I sing, I holler, I shout. I cry sometimes, too. I fight, I lose against some people. I regularly sit with a lady and share everything. (I do not have any girlfriend but a best friend, philosopher and guide). I create a huge castle, I demolish bad castles. I create a room where I have my own space and things of my dream. Creating a position in my career. I can assume how I will look if I become something! What if I become this and that? Etc.Etc.Etc. This is endless.

There is little fantasy in my imagination when I go to a different world of my assumption. I really enjoy the world which exists or not. (I don't care!). You have to catch those places which never leaves you, the place should keep holding you every time you sit. Two meeting of like minds can conquer hard realities. (Jay Vasavda's book ' Jai Ho'). During such the state of mind many times, I also get consciences. People around me are guiding me over there. The lady (with whom I sit regularly in my imagination) is giving lessons to me. Getting some signs to redevelop my inner thoughts and deeds. I win and I lose, too.

After all the above some imaginations and assumptions became true and some are going to be. (I have hope on it.) Some can not become, some can become true with the help of something and somebody.

Hope you are also doing the same, sometime, somewhere, in your imaginations and assumptions! I may be there in your imagination or not, but yes I am sure that you have enjoyed the little moment.

I have a beautiful, creative, outstanding lady, who creates her imagination into real things and make her world happy-happy. And yes she is real, not my imagination!

That is what makes it so special!! That is what makes you special.

Power Quote: 
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. – Albert Einstein
Power Punch: 
Fairy tales are real. Not because it talks about monsters, but because monsters can be defeated.

Keep Your Mind Wide Open 

Have you ever seen the sky so
Beautiful, colourful
Wide and wonderful
Have you ever felt the sunshine so
Brilliantly raining down
Oh the unity
Have you ever wanted more?
Wanted more?
You’ve got to keep your mind wide open
All the possibilities
You’ve got to live with your eyes open
Believe in what you see
Think of all the days you’ve wasted
Worrying, wondering
Hopelessly hoping
Think of all the time ahead
Don’t hesitate, contemplate
No it’s not too late
Have you ever wanted more?
Wanted more?
Don’t you know there’s so much more
You’ve got to keep your mind wide open
All the possibilities
You’ve got to live with your eyes open
Believe in what you see
Tomorrows horizons full of surprises
Don’t let them take your dreams away
You’ve got to keep your mind wide open
All the possibilities
You’ve got to live with your eyes open
Believe in what you see
You’ve got to keep your mind wide open
All the possibilities
You’ve got to live with your eyes open
Believe in what you see
You’ve got to keep your mind wide open
Believe in what you see
You’ve got to live with your eyes open
Believe in what you see

- AnnaSophia Robb

Thank you for reading to me!

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Prepare for the Glory and Fight For the Honor

Today morning, I read few stories and concluded that when you are fighting for something, the fight may not save you but some other important things. Though you know you are not going to win the battle, you must fight in it. It is matter of honour, pride, saving from shame. The most important thing is not only the winning situation but other things, too.

Maharana Pratap, Guru Teghbahadursingh, and some Fighters from Gujarat fought not only to win the battle but for pride, for the glory of the society, to save the honour.

You may recap these movies, Mangal Padey, Asoka, LOC, the Gladiator. Remembered the movie 300 ! 300 soldiers fought against the million. Is it justified battle?

“Persian: Our arrows will blot out the sun.
Stelios: Then we will fight in the shade.”

Will you go to  fight the lost battle? But they said, he who fought was won, he could not fight, was lost.

Why I am telling all about these things right now?

Its because I relate it with my battle to become Chartered Accountant.

Since 2015, I am used to listen that when I am going to complete my CA exams. I used to say every time, every attempt, that, this is going to be the last attempt. I do not worry about my results but yes I do worry about my family's honour. I always fight for my pride and I will continue it till the last breath.

Because, I prepare for the glory, even I knew I will lose the battle.

Fight For your dreams, your Dreams will Fight For you;
Smile at every phase of your life, the world will smile with you.
Make someone smile, the God will make wish for you.
This is the Power of your dreams!!!

Monday 27 May 2019

Memory Context

Your lofe is reflection of your decision but you can only Make decisions based on knowledge you remember.

**Long term memory = Information + Emotions

If I optimise my mind, I can optimise my day and then life.


Sunday 21 April 2019

Marriage Appraisal

In a life partner choice/selection fair of my Maharashtrian society, I have to introduce me. I came to know that how much I know myself for the purpose.
Hope you can understand.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Food Vs Hunger

I always keep in mind that while having food, no wastage of food should be there. I will try to finish other's plate. With God grace I could complete it. But a wise note came to me that, when someone wasting food, make them realize it thays it is bad, injustice to food.

Just completing food other's plate not means I am Hungry.

Many debates invited.

Food Vs Hunger

Monday 1 April 2019

Still I'll Rise

Those who feel that the world still thinks they are not grown up, they are just kids; if one have dreams, determination to rise, they will rise.

Still I'll rise.

Be a DON




Withis stanza, Good Morning!

Does my sassiness upset you?

Why are you beset with gloom?

’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells

Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,

With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high,

Still I'll rise.

- Maya Angeloul

प्रेमात पडलो जरी आम्ही

प्रेमात पडलो जरी आम्ही तरी कधीच आम्हाला लागत नाही
कारण एकीवर एकदाच प्रेम करून आमचं कधीच भागत नाही..

कितीक विविधता नवतरुणींची  कितीक चांदण्या आकाशी
जाई.. जुई.. रातराणी.. केवडा.. उगाच दरवळ नाकाशी..
आमही चक्कर मारतो बागेत फक्त.. सुगंध कधी मागत नाही
कारण एकीवर एकदाच प्रेम करून आमचं कधीच भागत नाही..

सोडून जाता आम्हा बालिका विरह वेदना ठणकत बसते..
कितीक पहिल्या .. अनुभवल्या.. परि अंती सोबत कूनीच नसते
समजावतो प्रत्येक वेळी मी मनाला.. उगाच रात्री मी जागत नाही..

कारण एकीवर एकदाच प्रेम करून आमचं कधीच भागत नाही..

- जोशी

Sunday 31 March 2019

એક સવાર એવી પણ હશે - પ્રિયા પટેલ

એક સવાર એવી પણ હશે
     જયાં ફક્ત મારી થતી વાત હશે
આશ્ચર્ય નથી એમા કંઇ કે
       એ ઘડી મુજ ગેરહાજરી હશે....

ભટકતો આમતેમ સુક્ષ્મ રૂપ
      ને હજી સ્થૂલ ત્યાં જ સ્થાયી હશે
હું તો ન કરી શક્યો આલાપ
      પણ સૌ મુખે માત્ર મારી કહાની હશે....

હયાતીમાં ઘણા સંગાથ નહોતા
       એમની આજ મને વળાવવાની તૈયારી હશે
પગ ખેંચવા પાછળ પડતા જે
        આજ એમનાં ખભાની મારે સવારી હશે...

ભલેને આંખો મીંચેલી હશે
                     પણ ચહેરા પર ખુમારી હશે
દર્દ તો સમય હળવું કરશે
         હવે ફરી જન્મ-મરણ ને જવાની હશે...

અંતિમ પગલે રુદન અને
       પાછાં જતા ગણગણાટી હશે
વિખરાયેલ ઝુલ્ફોને પલળતા
      ગાલ પર વહેતાં આસૂ ની જુબાની હશે...

- પ્રિયા પટેલ

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