Tuesday 11 December 2012

A Mind Set

कुसुमस्तबकस्येव द्वयी वृत्तिर्मनस्विन:।
मूर्ध्नि वा सर्वलोकस्य विशीर्येत वनेऽथवा॥

People with high self respect have only two stages like flowers
Either they should be on top of the world or just shrivel away.

स्थानं उत्सृज्य गच्चंती सिम्हाहा सत्पुरुषा गजः |
तत्र एव निधानं यान्ति काकः कापुरुषा मृगः ||

The lions, elephants and the virtuous people with high self-esteem quit their position immediately once their esteem is hurt.

The crows, cats and the vicious people wish to continue in the same position.

When you are privileged to be Lion, don't life like a crow or cat.

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