Thursday 5 November 2020

Five Champion Questions to my self – 04-Nov-2020


I am sorry, Could not write something on yesterday, but today I have my story. Again the five champion questions to me.


1.     What am I thankful for today?


I am thankful to my merciful God, who gave me new life.

 I am very thankful and grateful to my parents who gives reasons to live with them and love the world selflessly.

I really want to thank all the writers who wrote beautiful books out of their thoughts. To Write thought anywhere is one of the vigorous job. You have to show your confidence on your words and faith on your thoughts that are delivered to public at large.

Faith and Confidence will make you anything. Faith on you and Confidence on you words given to others. These Qualities really teach me many things everyday. With this I could go beyond my Imagination. My Confidence driven by some thoughts and book made me from failure to star and now my thoughts and failure making me loser. I am losing everyday from me. I will again, I have faith on me, too.

Where is the difference?

The difference is between faith and mistrust on your values created by your own habits. If you are having right habits then you would be more focused and determined to your work. You can drive your habits with your discipline. I lost my discipline somewhere. I want to gain it.

The difference is between confidence and over confidence. When you have confidence that’s great but its over on you, you will be over. In this I wrote “Confidence” word 3 times thinking I will correct it by auto correct. But I was wrong on fourth time I also wrote same spelling wrongly, why? My Over confidence. Secondly my acceptance level of my mistake. I am humiliated many time due to my this nature by my seniors. I always tried to pass on the bad result’s reasons and reasons for my mistake on the other persons and situation, but never thought on Improving me. These were due to my ego, my crave of fame, learning about diplomacy not being diplomatic.

Humiliation should get converted to humility. But …………………..

I remembered one advise from my close friend Mr. Mahipalsingh Girase, to create a confidence in right manner, I should start reading Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta again.

Thank you Mother Terresa, I am taking oath to create some change everyday in me.

I remembered a thing about mistake by Mother Terresa once I read:

“These are the few ways we can practice humility:

To speak as little as possible of one's self.

To mind one's own business.

Not to want to manage other people's affairs.

To avoid curiosity.

To accept contradictions and correction cheerfully.

To pass over the mistakes of others.

To accept insults and injuries.

To accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked.

To be kind and gentle even under provocation.

Never to stand on one's dignity.

To choose always the hardest.”

Mother Teresa, The Joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily Living


2.   What did I learn today?


I learnt very less today compared to yesterday, but this writing taught me above things related to my confidence and over confidence. I tried to learn to create some discipline in my life.

My loving and wise uncle, Mr. Shantibhai Patel (Shanti Kaka) gave ana amazing Sanskrit Subhashit.

हंसः श्वेतः बकः श्वेतः को भेदः बकहंसयोः |

नीरक्षीरविवेके तु हंसो हंसः बको बकः ||

haMsaH shvetaH bakaH shvetaH ko bhedaH bakahaMsayoH

nIrakShIraviveke tu haMso haMsaH bako bakaH


A swan is white, a stork is white. What's the difference between the swan and the stork? When it comes to the knowledge of water and milk, a swan is a swan and a stork is a stork.

Allegory says that, a swan has the capability of separating milk from water. If a bowl of milk and water is offered, it is supposed to have the ability to take only the milk particles and leave behind, the water! The stork obviously doesn't posses this skill. He might look like a swan, be with a swan, fly, walk or act like a swan. But it doesn't make him a swan.

I have to find my character now. Who I am now and was 10 years before.



3.   Where did I do a good job?


Today I created my own wedding card design. Papa appreciated me and told me to circulate.

I could say, I did good job by remembering my promise to me to answer my five champion questions.

I shared lot of love with my Fiancée Bhumika. I tried to make him strong and happy. I guided her for few of her problems. I also used some bad words (not abusive one) with her. I am sorry, but at that time I thought it was necessary to speak them. I am sorry, I will never use it again.


कुठेतरी आपण चूकतोय;

कुठे चूक राह्यली ती मी पण शोधतोय;

चल गडे थोडासा मनाचा आभ्यास करूया|

चल गडे आपली पण चूक शोधूया|

चल गडे थो...डस जग जिंकूया ||

-      By me.


4.     Who was I valuable to today? (Where was I helpful today to somebody?)


At nobody.


5.     How did I take care of myself today?


Today, I failed to take care of my physical health.

Mentally : I learnt and tried to by heart the subhashit which I wrote above.

Emotionally: I shared my true feelings with my childhood friend Ronak Patel, my Priyankadidi regarding my Marriage Invitation. I took care to control my thoughts and tried get them into a right direction.


I enjoyed writing this. Meet you in the next blog. Comment your views. Thank you.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Inspired from Five Questions for Champions - by Ron Kurtus

I started writing for me with the new thought of a book. 

Five Questions for Champions - by Ron Kurtus:

I have just read outlines. I will read the whole book soon.

The School for Champions philosophy divides Life into five major areas:
  • Character,
  • Knowledge,
  • Excellence,
  • Value and
  • Health.

To have a fulfilled life, you must succeed in all of these areas. By asking yourself five simple questions each day, you will be move toward a happy, fulfilled and successful life.

Ask yourself the following questions every day:
What am I thankful for today?
What did I learn today?
Where did I do a good job?
Who was I valuable to today?
How did I take care of myself today?

Five Champion Questions to my self – 02-Nov-2020

Today I am starting writing to me regarding the five Champion Questions to me.

By this I will share my life with you. It was today

1.       1. What am I great full to today?

I am Grateful to my God who gave me another life today. I am grateful to my parents who gave me chance and guidance to live great life ahead, in spite of my careless behavior towards my schedule I am living. I am grateful to Ashishbhai and Mandanisir for guiding me and drawing my thoughts.

2.  2. Where was I helpful today to somebody?

I tried but could not help anybody. I will try tomorrow.

3.  3.  Where did I good job?

I think I did a good job by learning and sharing my mistake and sharing my experience with Bhumika, regarding to learn to take experience and know path how the great people reached to the place where I want to reach and see my self. Bhumika was having question to tolerate the politics in his office or not. I explained her that the question might have came to other in the same organization you work. Observe, learn and apply the best practices in our lives is important thing.

तर्कोऽप्रतिष्ठः श्रुतयो विभिन्ना नैको ऋषिर्यस्य मतं प्रमाणम्।

धर्मस्य तत्त्वं निहितं गुहायाम् महाजनो येन गतः सः पन्थाः॥

(Mahabharat – Yudhishthir says to Yaksh)

I also remembered Shree Bhagwad Geeta

यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जनः

यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते ।।3.21 Bhagwad Geeta।।

Whatsoever a great man does, that other men also do
Whatever he sets as the standard, that the world follows

But question here lies, Who is great in my eyes, that I need to decide or else again महाजनो येन गतः सः पन्थाः॥

4.4.   What did I learn today?

I am grateful to Ashishbhai, he shared a wonderful theory “The Law of Wasted Effort”.

Do you know that lions only succeed in a quarter of their hunting attempts — which means they fail in 75% of their attempts and succeeds in only 25% of them. Despite this small percentage shared by most predators, they don't despair in their pursuit and hunting attempts. The main reason for this is not because of hunger as some might think but it is the understanding of the “Law of Wasted Efforts” that have been instinctively built into animals, a law in which nature is governed.

Half of the eggs of fishes are eaten...

half of the baby bears die before puberty...

most of the world's rains fall in oceans... and

most of the seeds of trees are eaten by birds.

Scientists have found that animals, trees, and other forces of nature are more receptive to the law of "wasted efforts". Only humans think that the lack of success in a few attempts is failure... but the truth is that:  

We only fail when we "stop trying".

Success is not to have a life free of pitfalls and falls... but success is to walk over your mistakes and go beyond every stage where your efforts were wasted looking forward to the next stage.

If there is a word that summarizes this world, it will simply be: continue all over again.

I learnt not to stop trying, do not fail to put efforts, Continue Again.

5.5.        How did I take care of my self?

Physically – I did one round Surynamaskar. But I could take care more than this by doing more. I took Ayurvedik supplements so that I can keep my self healthy and fit.

Mentally: I read book of Robin Sharma, Who will cry when you die. “Talk to your self” chapter teaches, Hazrat Inayat Khan said, “The words that enlighten the soul are more precious then jewels.” I again starting chanting God’s name.

Emotionally: I shared my feelings with me and my Bhumika. I cried in love and shared how important Bhumika and my family for me.



I started writing this because I wanted to start my journal everyday. I will share my everyday thoughts with this.


Thursday 15 October 2020

My Hopes for Life-Friends

With this life nowadays, I just realised that after my school life, my friends are decreased. I have selective people to whom I like. I also realised that these are those friends, who regularly come to my home or I visit them with their family. The friends, in early childhood, who just called me from my door, never met my parents are disappeared from my life, even I have just name not even I remember the faces. (Might be those are not friends for life.)

Those who became forever, who ate with me (at their home or my), who fought with me, though I hated some times, why they are coming here at my home, but they still with me. Other are not even I think or remember the name at this moment. Friends are the family that you chose. I can not cheat them. They created me. They may live a better or best life, I would always love to be their part. The Vyavhaar comes to the golden era of my life.

They are friends and guru, too.

Vaidehi Pandit-Pagedar, Saumil Paradkar, Krina Thakkar, Tejas Patanwadia, Vrunda Dolia-Thakker, Zeel, Riddhi Patel, Prabha, Parth Barot, Viren, Pratik Makwana, Dharmansh Bhavsar, Priyankadidi Brahmbhatt-Patel, Mahipalsingh Girase, Bhusha Trivedi, Ashishbhai Jaiswal, Riddhi Shah, Jaimin Sathwara, Parthbhai-Balwantbhai(chilubhai)  Bhagod, Avni Shah, Riya-Rushabh Jain, Ujas Shah, Jayu Shah, Ajaybhai Raval, Mayur Gohel, Madhuri Bhatt.

Nowadays with new feelings, Bhumika is there for life, my life line.

These few friends are my hope. Dosti Ghar ghar ki kare. Hope always attaches with the home.

Thank you!

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