Sunday 21 April 2019

Marriage Appraisal

In a life partner choice/selection fair of my Maharashtrian society, I have to introduce me. I came to know that how much I know myself for the purpose.
Hope you can understand.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Food Vs Hunger

I always keep in mind that while having food, no wastage of food should be there. I will try to finish other's plate. With God grace I could complete it. But a wise note came to me that, when someone wasting food, make them realize it thays it is bad, injustice to food.

Just completing food other's plate not means I am Hungry.

Many debates invited.

Food Vs Hunger

Monday 1 April 2019

Still I'll Rise

Those who feel that the world still thinks they are not grown up, they are just kids; if one have dreams, determination to rise, they will rise.

Still I'll rise.

Be a DON




Withis stanza, Good Morning!

Does my sassiness upset you?

Why are you beset with gloom?

’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells

Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,

With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high,

Still I'll rise.

- Maya Angeloul

प्रेमात पडलो जरी आम्ही

प्रेमात पडलो जरी आम्ही तरी कधीच आम्हाला लागत नाही
कारण एकीवर एकदाच प्रेम करून आमचं कधीच भागत नाही..

कितीक विविधता नवतरुणींची  कितीक चांदण्या आकाशी
जाई.. जुई.. रातराणी.. केवडा.. उगाच दरवळ नाकाशी..
आमही चक्कर मारतो बागेत फक्त.. सुगंध कधी मागत नाही
कारण एकीवर एकदाच प्रेम करून आमचं कधीच भागत नाही..

सोडून जाता आम्हा बालिका विरह वेदना ठणकत बसते..
कितीक पहिल्या .. अनुभवल्या.. परि अंती सोबत कूनीच नसते
समजावतो प्रत्येक वेळी मी मनाला.. उगाच रात्री मी जागत नाही..

कारण एकीवर एकदाच प्रेम करून आमचं कधीच भागत नाही..

- जोशी

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