Sunday 11 February 2024

Sportsmanship Everywhere: A Universal Virtue

 "Sportsmanship Everywhere: A Universal Virtue" is not just a statement, but a philosophy that underscores the importance of applying sportsmanship principles beyond the boundaries of a sports field. This ethic is universally applicable and can positively influence every aspect of our lives - from personal relationships to professional environments. In every sphere of life, whether it's the familial setting or a circle of friends, an academic institution like a college, or a professional environment like a company, you'll find yourself as part of a team. In these situations, it's crucial to maintain a sportsman's spirit. 

Sportsmanship is not confined to the boundaries of a playing field; it is a virtue that resonates across all facets of life. Whether in the competitive arena of sports or the arena of daily existence, the principles of fair play, respect, and camaraderie hold immense significance.

Various influential figures, including philosophers, educators, and spiritual speakers, have extolled different facets of sportsmanship, often drawing inspiration from iconic heroes. In this context, Lord Krishna emerges as a remarkable embodiment of sportsmanship, a multifaceted hero, ruler, and strategist. His 'Leelas' depicted in scriptures offer captivating insights and valuable lessons, particularly in navigating life's challenges. His incredible and inspiring art of sportsmanship serves as a timeless guide for those at life's crossroads.

Handshakes that follow the fierce battle cries,

Acknowledge the efforts, where true sportsmanship lies.

In the triumphs, in defeats, the spirit prevails,

A universal virtue, as each story entails.

Intellectual Sportsmanship

The state of being ‘Sthitpragya’ where one immerses themself in God follows with the sportspersons also. When they immerse themselves in the sports and are not distracted with the things around them they achieve the state of ‘Pure Intellect’. They take delight in their ‘Sports’ and disport in the Sport enjoying various dimensions of life. When the sportspeople reach this state they do not get affected with loss or win. They construe the true meaning of sports and delve into the greatness of the game. Under any situation, they ‘move’, ‘learn’ and ‘discover’ to live a high-spirited life.

On the sports field, sportsmanship is evident in the handshake after a game, the acknowledgment of opponents' efforts, and the gracious acceptance of both victory and defeat. It embodies the spirit of healthy competition, emphasizing that the journey is as vital as the destination. Athletes become ambassadors of sportsmanship, displaying character traits that transcend the scoreboard.

Personal and Professional Sportsmanship

Beyond sports, the essence of sportsmanship permeates our professional and personal spheres. In the workplace, it manifests in collaboration, recognizing colleagues' achievements, and contributing collectively towards shared goals. It fosters a culture of mutual support and growth, where success is celebrated collectively, echoing the team spirit found in sports. In everyday life, sportsmanship is witnessed in how individuals navigate challenges, treating others with kindness, empathy, and fairness. It's the recognition that life's journey involves a series of wins and losses, and it's the attitude we adopt that defines our character.

“Competition is great for everyone. Sports can teach you so much at an early age, including camaraderie and sportsmanship. Competition aspect is something I've always been big on - I always wanted to compete in something. It was swimming for many years, then I moved on to basketball. I had to find a way to channel my competitive energy, so I'm lucky that basketball worked out for me.”

Tim Duncan, American former professional basketball player.

Promotes Respect: 

One of the most significant aspects of sportsmanship is the respect it instills for others. It teaches us to appreciate others' efforts and contributions, even when their views or methods differ from ours. In a world increasingly divided by differences, this respect can bridge gaps and create harmonious relationships. Whether it's acknowledging a colleague's work, appreciating a friend's help, or respecting a family member's opinion, sportsmanship can foster a positive and respectful environment. Sportsmanship is all about handling victories and defeats with grace. It teaches us to be humble in success and resilient in failure. This resilience is a crucial life skill, enabling us to bounce back from adversity and keep moving forward. Whether it's dealing with a failed project at work, a challenging semester in college, or a personal setback, the ability to maintain a positive attitude and continue striving for success is a testament to the sportsman's spirit.

Sachin Tendulkar exemplifies sportsmanship with his humility, respect for opponents, and resilience. His conduct, both on and off the field, reflects the true spirit of a sportsman.

Sportsmanship transcends generations

Teaching and embodying sportsmanship everywhere, from the playground to the boardroom, instills values that transcend generations. It is a reminder that success is not solely defined by personal achievements but is enriched by the collaborative efforts of a community working towards a common goal. As we champion sportsmanship everywhere, we contribute to creating a world where respect, fairness, and unity become the guiding principles of our collective journey.

While speaking about “Keep up the spirit of Sportsmanship”, Shree Sudhanshuji Maharaj, Sportsmanship teaches that it’s not necessary to win every battle in life rather, it’s necessary to take part in the game and keep trying. You might have lost a small battle, but if your spirit is still high, that means you have won an important battle – the one that you fought within yourself.

"Sportsmanship Everywhere: A Universal Virtue" is not just a catchy phrase. It's a principle that, when applied, can enhance every aspect of our lives. It's a reminder that the values we admire in sports - teamwork, respect, resilience , and integrity - are not just for the field but are traits to be carried into every aspect of our lives.

- Rutvik Wadkar

Sunday 3 September 2023

If one’s mind is not centered upon the Guru’s holy feet - 1

         While watching innovative reels on Instagram, I listened to the splendid verses of "Shree Guru Ashtakam". I didn't know the meaning behind it, though I heard it once, twice, thrice and tried to understand the meaning behind it. This is the wonderful "Ashtak" (Poem with eight Verses) showing and explaining that one who is not paying gratitude toward Guru's help, because of which the person has become whatever in life. 

        The Word Guru has been kept here with very wide meaning. In layman's terms, it may be a teacher, a professor or a person from whom we took formal education in Schools/colleges/universities/Coaching centres/Training institutes. But every person who teaches us lessons helps us to fight throughout our life span, which leads us to reach a high level. Indian mythology has a different and auspicious meaning of Guru, a spiritual teacher who teaches lessons of life so that our every Karma or action becomes a flower of God's feet.

        Many of us (including me) forget or miss the gratitude towards our teachers and Gurus, this Ashtak says, your every achievement is worthless if your mind is not centred upon the Guru's holy feet, which also means you do not pay gratitude to them.

Let's Learn in Series!

                        गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे मनश्चेन्न लग्नं 
                ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्

But, if one’s mind is not centered upon the Guru’s holy feet,

What is the use? What then? What then? What then?

Friday 28 October 2022

My Farewell from Dhyey

Farewell - What do you think about it?

    Let's ask first the Google baba. Haha! It says, used to express good wishes on parting, marking someone’s departure. 

(Image Credits

In the same sense, I felt many farewells in my life. Saying bye-bye to unfriendly things, habits, persons, thoughts, events and so many other affairs or incidences throughout time. I always think of “Good wishes” while leaving something or someone as a gesture of keeping experience with ourselves. Many a time it becomes a mere farewell and not a final Goodbye. How do I say Goodbye? 

Every farewell gives us majorly 2 things. 

  1. Memories
  2. Wishes/wisdom for new entrants.

    Memories include leaving (or living) past bad experiences and keeping the good ones for life as long with the same expectation (desire) to share with others as if we won the battle (sometimes as fancy fantasy). Memories, that are starting with the introduction, friendship and obsession with work, things around us, culture and people who make me smile.

    People always gave me good wishes and said all the very best and luck for my new joining to anything. Life is uncertain but praying for someone and wishing are the things which can be certain.   

    After writing all the above thoughts of mine, It’s becoming an impossible task because trying to find the right words has me reminiscing about so much. I am trying to write about the last week in Dhyey. I don’t want to write much but it's like feeling a tsunami (waves of thoughts and earthquake of feelings).

    The last week in my first longest job Dhyey was very tough in the sense of emotions, obsessions, sentiments, sympathies, craze, crushes etc. Emotions and sentiments with people; obsessions with many things, workplace, habits of calling people, watching them secretly in hope searching smile that made my day many a time; there was the craze of bringing/creating new things before the youngsters (including my self) and the crush on my favourite relations having those beautiful smiles with bold asserters. I was in thought that how would I live after leaving all these behinds. But I kept everything in my memories and wished them in good faith.


    I was having so much confusion telling others that I am leaving the organisation. I was in prejudice in my mind that people may react badly who have a greater attachment to me (or I have). My favourite tunes (Voice of persons) saying me “Bhai” (Brother), “Kem chho Rutvikbhai?” (How are you Rutvik?), “Su kare chhe?” (What are you doing?) etc. I was preparing my mind to have days without these tunes and missing them badly. Many dialogues I missed and left. Many dialogues I kept in their mind. The habit of taking care or seeking care was the most amazing part over there. All the legacies given by all my Directors and Ashishbhai, I tried to impart in me as well as others. How much I did ?, I was thinking and reconciling in my mind. I was thinking that not repeating my mistakes and adopting new things that are coming further. 

It was a total flashback starting from my five years of Journey with Dhyey in June 2017 and ending in October 2022. I felt actually the time fly. The challenges, the experiments, the enthusiastic projects and people with those projects, the ups and downs, and the motivational colleagues. Everything was flashing in my memory. I was also having some excitement about joining Hitachi along with the pain of leaving the Dhyey family. I cried when my farewell was getting celebrated. I was thinking to write everyone’s name here as a memory but also thinking to keep it secrete in many places.

    I missed taking many things as a backup for my memories, things I left in the office. I can’t do goodbye to this place or this career justice, I’m going to leave you instead with the greatest lessons that working here has taught me and the things that I am most grateful for.

(Image Credits

  • Be kind First and foremost, be kind to everyone you meet in or outside of your organisation. Everyone has a story, and you don’t know what burdens someone is carrying. This career in particular overemphasised to me to be kind to every single person – even the person who might not like me at a particular moment. I am so grateful for the kindness that was also extended to me: from my directors, Nilesh Mandani and Sahil Amin, who has been so supportive of me over the years; my work friends like Bhusha who have helped make each day fun and enjoyable; and the stakeholders of the different projects, I’ve met or worked with who made me feel special for doing what was quite simply, my job. This was not possible without Dhyey.

  • Be a good steward of your talents. Recognise that your current gifts are not all your own; you have them because someone else helped you, cultivated you, gave you a chance, etc. I learnt from Santoshbhai, Aakashbhai, Amitbhai and Sanjaybhai to point out others’ good traits, and you’ll help build someone else up at the same time that you develop a good character trait in yourself. Learnings from Saying yes to everything with faith in God's Power given to me, to saying No for diplomatic reasons. I am so thankful for the leadership in our team who were supportive of growing me and gave me the chance to represent and grow up my abilities in so many ways. I have had the opportunities to learn and thrive because others took a chance and faith in me and let me find, and experiment the ways to incorporate my own talents into my daily work.
"Servant leadership not only works but is deeply satisfying."

  • Be open and flexible. There was once a time when I thought I had a plan for life [inserting laughter here]. I couldn’t have imagined or dreamed up my life now, and none of it happened according to some great plan I executed! Be open to the “what if” and be flexible when your most prepared-for plans don’t work out. This is really where the best parts of life happen! I am so grateful that when opportunities arose to do different tasks in the Dhyey Family people believed in me and thought I might be a good fit to move into those positions, even when I wasn’t sure that I could do them. I am also grateful when sometimes an answer to something was “no” and when things changed and I had to adapt. It is what has brought me to this moment!

  • Don’t pretend like you know it all. It’s okay – and healthy – to utter the words, “I don’t know.” It’s also a marvellously freeing thing to say, “I messed up; thank you for pointing out my mistake.” Over a period of time, after meeting different people across the world, I inculcated a culture, these two things are antitheses, it seems, to the pursuit of perfection (impossible) and success (limiting on its own). But yet these two things foster our humanity and actually allow others to trust us more. I am so grateful that I had people to go to when I had a question. I never felt like I had to “know it all” or that I wasn’t supported when I needed guidance on what to do. I was supported when I seek moral faith in myself by saying, “Rutvikbhai tame nai karo to kon karse?” (Who can do if you say you can not do?) - Mansi. 
  • Being yourself at work is powerful. I wish I could take credit for this mantra but it was innovative in our office. It is really powerful. When I started my career, I never felt pressure to be the model employee that the company expected but a good mentor and leader. At Dhyey, I learned that encouraging people to be their authentic selves unlocks incredible value. It also generates more diversity in the workplace which I saw firsthand directly drives high performance. Unfortunately, people do have to tolerate a much higher frequency of "dad jokes" from me in the office. 

  • It is OK to have fun at work. There is no reason why fun and productivity should be mutually exclusive. Jeet and Vivekbhai were very helpful with the same. I learned that no matter how absurd my annual April Fool's joke was, there was a non-trivial number of people who would fall for it. I would spend the rest of the day calling clients and sharing the play-by-play of how my prank had landed and jokes were cracked.

  • Be thankful. For everything, the attitude of gratitude is something our Indian culture has always taught me. Say “thank you, thank you, thank you” for the little things, the good things, and especially for the hard things. You will have so many tough days in life – days that you think you can’t possibly survive – but being able to say “thank you” on those days irrevocably alters something within you and helps you to see how great life really is. I’ve experienced a lot of heartache at the Dhyey Family with colleagues – and I’ve brought plenty of my own heartache with me – but the good days far outnumbered the bad. I am so grateful for each and every day I spent here … for the path, it placed me on so many years ago … and where it led me … what it allowed me to do … and who it allowed me to work with … how it has shaped and grown me … and how it has supported me and my family … how it has given me a graceful and positive exit … and for where it will lead me next. 

I have a friend who told me years ago (when her life was taking a big turn), “This isn’t goodbye. It’s just a see-ya-later or a well farewell.” I liked that because final goodbyes are hard to bear, but knowing that there would always be a window for us to reconnect gave me some peace with the same relationship of brotherhood and deep friendship. No one knows where life will take us. We may meet one day again on the office premises or in some other way. However, you all shall remain in our hearts forever with all the bitter and sweet memories. Thank you Dhyey and family. 

Yours Lovingly,

- Rutvik

Sunday 24 July 2022

खरीद लो - Buy something

कुछ खरीद लो 

सस्ता हो या मेहेंगा,

बजट मैं हो तो सही , खरीद लो 

ऐसा करो, मेरे  लिए ना कुछ  यादें  खरीद लो ,

बाते  करने  के  लिए  कुछ  न  हो  तो  बाते  खरीद  लो, 

अगर  हो  सके  तो  सेहतमंद  वाला  कच्चा  पक्का  दुलार  खरीद  लो| 

फिर  भी  सिल्लक  बच  जाए  तो  अपने है ही

सब  के  लिए  छोटा  सा  त्यौहार  खरीद  लो|

शायद  ही  किसी  के  बस  में  हो  अपनों  के  सिवा, 

मन  करे  साथ  चलने  कही  आस -पास  हमारे  साथ; 

थोडासा  ही  सही , पर  वक़्त  खरीद  लो |

ना  खरीद  सको  कोई  मन  का  पैगाम तो ,

हमे  कह  देने  से  रोके  दिल  तो  कोई  बात  नहीं; 

बहुत  अच्छे  आपके  दिल के  फलसफा  खरीद  लो |

शायद  जहान  सबका  होकेभी  किसीका  नहीं, 

चलने  को , गिरने  को , दौड़ने  को , उछलने  को ; 

जब  भी  मन  करे  उडनेको हौसलों  के  साथ  तो  

ऊँचा  आसमान  खरीद  लो |

कभी  आ  जाओ  ना,  सबके  दिल  के  करीब !

क्यों ? नहीं ?

ठीक  है  न , उस  कहानी  सा  जिगर  का  टुकड़ा ,

के  जिसकी  मन  की  किताब  में  रखा ,

गुलाब  का  वो  बस फूल  खरीद  लो |

वैसे  तो  किसीके  हाथ  नहीं  आते  फौगट  में  हम, 

आपके  हाथ  लगजाना  खुशकिस्मती  हमारी ;

बहुत  सस्ते  है  जनाब ,

हमे बस कुछ मीठा  बोलो,  और  खरीद  लो |

- ऋत्विक वाडकर

Thursday 22 July 2021

When I Think on 'Freedom of Speech'


Hey ya! How are you?

What do you think about 'Freedom of Speech' ?

Should it be there ? How it can be approached ?

When I think on the topic, I think like this.

Sometimes I think, it is freedom of speech that would be reason of world war. Ha Ha ! Many reasons we have inculcated within us, with lots of experiences that always INSTRUCT from the corner of our mind that What to speak, how to speak with whom we are speaking, how to express our thoughts etc. etc. etc. 

Wikipedia - "Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The term freedom of expression is usually used synonymously but, in legal sense, includes any activity of seeking, receiving, and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used."

When I was reading an incidental story by Padma Shri Sudha Murty, "Freedom of Speech", from a small book 'The old man & his God' I was also diving on the ocean of my thoughts.


Let me try to sum up here.

When Sudha Murty and her friend Alka approached maid Tulsi's house, they heard that Tusli war berating her husband like anything. With abusive words, lot of scream, showring the choicest abuses at him. The matter was, her husband used savings of wife for his own purpose without consent of wife. the same thing was happened, in similar way with Alka.

I agree that, when you used someone's earnings from sweating and hardwork, without taking his/her consent, no one will accept easily. but, in the story I learnt the behavioral difference between Alka and Tulsi. Alka is learned, civilized person, called 'Queen of Speech' by her friends whereas Tulsi belonged to uneducated and backward area, staying in slums.

Tulsi - For the reason being, she scolded her husband. (Husband was standing with his head bent low. But when she saw Alka, she calmed down slightly. (That is her behavior when someone respected is there.) She also managed to control her emotions. She broke down with Alka.

On the Other hand,

Alka - For her reasons, she was furious, but have been keeping all this anger inside her for long time. She believed, she is living in civilized society. She can not shout and scream at husband for the sake of neighborhood's agitation. The bold, confident orator lay ruined due to the thout of "Civilized" culture and control on self.

During the thought process I thought about below things:

  • What my parents learnt me how and what to speak?
  • What I instilled (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction from my parent's behavior, that how and what to speak?
  • What society taught me regarding tacit of speech ?
  • What I inculcated from society?
  • How I speak with certain group of persons (friends, collages, Life coaches, relatives etc.)?
  • What is my spirit of speech during different phases and scenarios ?
  • Think, do have right to abuse someone?
  • Think, are you standing at right stage to speak right thing, right way?
Above things really matters when you speak with someone, you enact, you mark, you point,  you tag someone,  you tag something.

My parents taught, "Remember, God is living in him, too. He will get hurt if I speak inappropriately. To hurt someone's mind is also a violence. We should connect our mind with brain before we speak"

I also learnt one Subhashit (Quote) in Sanskrit,

अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्‌ ।
अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः॥

amantramakSharaM nAsti, nAsti moolamanauShdhaM |
ayogyaH puruSho nAsti, yojakastatra durlabhaH ||

Meaning: There is no letter that is not a mantra, no plant that is not medicinal |
There is no person unworthy, what is lacking is an 'enabler' ||

Letter becomes words, words become Sentences, and Sentence from your mouth becomes speech. When letters correctly arranged with words, becomes greater speech and thought. So you decide, whether you want to create Mantra (Good things) or something else which is not worthy. People also say, "Use your words after filtering them 

I think, in India people are grappling with the thought and opinions related to "Freedom of Speech". Now it is depending upon only you like and dislike, whether the quote has been philosophically, psychologically, truthfully (etc. fully) verified and said or not. All sermon, allocution, expatiation, pulpitry are coming from just someone's mind. The mind may be learned, unlearned, pretended to be learned face, anything, anybody. On the name of "Freedom of Speech" they speak anything. (Like I am writing, hahaha)

Express your thoughts With Freedom of speech in comments.

Take care alot!
Happy readings!

(These thoughts are my own thoughts. If someone wrote earlier than, as it is written. would be just coincidence.)

Thursday 5 November 2020

Five Champion Questions to my self – 04-Nov-2020


I am sorry, Could not write something on yesterday, but today I have my story. Again the five champion questions to me.


1.     What am I thankful for today?


I am thankful to my merciful God, who gave me new life.

 I am very thankful and grateful to my parents who gives reasons to live with them and love the world selflessly.

I really want to thank all the writers who wrote beautiful books out of their thoughts. To Write thought anywhere is one of the vigorous job. You have to show your confidence on your words and faith on your thoughts that are delivered to public at large.

Faith and Confidence will make you anything. Faith on you and Confidence on you words given to others. These Qualities really teach me many things everyday. With this I could go beyond my Imagination. My Confidence driven by some thoughts and book made me from failure to star and now my thoughts and failure making me loser. I am losing everyday from me. I will again, I have faith on me, too.

Where is the difference?

The difference is between faith and mistrust on your values created by your own habits. If you are having right habits then you would be more focused and determined to your work. You can drive your habits with your discipline. I lost my discipline somewhere. I want to gain it.

The difference is between confidence and over confidence. When you have confidence that’s great but its over on you, you will be over. In this I wrote “Confidence” word 3 times thinking I will correct it by auto correct. But I was wrong on fourth time I also wrote same spelling wrongly, why? My Over confidence. Secondly my acceptance level of my mistake. I am humiliated many time due to my this nature by my seniors. I always tried to pass on the bad result’s reasons and reasons for my mistake on the other persons and situation, but never thought on Improving me. These were due to my ego, my crave of fame, learning about diplomacy not being diplomatic.

Humiliation should get converted to humility. But …………………..

I remembered one advise from my close friend Mr. Mahipalsingh Girase, to create a confidence in right manner, I should start reading Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta again.

Thank you Mother Terresa, I am taking oath to create some change everyday in me.

I remembered a thing about mistake by Mother Terresa once I read:

“These are the few ways we can practice humility:

To speak as little as possible of one's self.

To mind one's own business.

Not to want to manage other people's affairs.

To avoid curiosity.

To accept contradictions and correction cheerfully.

To pass over the mistakes of others.

To accept insults and injuries.

To accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked.

To be kind and gentle even under provocation.

Never to stand on one's dignity.

To choose always the hardest.”

Mother Teresa, The Joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily Living


2.   What did I learn today?


I learnt very less today compared to yesterday, but this writing taught me above things related to my confidence and over confidence. I tried to learn to create some discipline in my life.

My loving and wise uncle, Mr. Shantibhai Patel (Shanti Kaka) gave ana amazing Sanskrit Subhashit.

हंसः श्वेतः बकः श्वेतः को भेदः बकहंसयोः |

नीरक्षीरविवेके तु हंसो हंसः बको बकः ||

haMsaH shvetaH bakaH shvetaH ko bhedaH bakahaMsayoH

nIrakShIraviveke tu haMso haMsaH bako bakaH


A swan is white, a stork is white. What's the difference between the swan and the stork? When it comes to the knowledge of water and milk, a swan is a swan and a stork is a stork.

Allegory says that, a swan has the capability of separating milk from water. If a bowl of milk and water is offered, it is supposed to have the ability to take only the milk particles and leave behind, the water! The stork obviously doesn't posses this skill. He might look like a swan, be with a swan, fly, walk or act like a swan. But it doesn't make him a swan.

I have to find my character now. Who I am now and was 10 years before.



3.   Where did I do a good job?


Today I created my own wedding card design. Papa appreciated me and told me to circulate.

I could say, I did good job by remembering my promise to me to answer my five champion questions.

I shared lot of love with my Fiancée Bhumika. I tried to make him strong and happy. I guided her for few of her problems. I also used some bad words (not abusive one) with her. I am sorry, but at that time I thought it was necessary to speak them. I am sorry, I will never use it again.


कुठेतरी आपण चूकतोय;

कुठे चूक राह्यली ती मी पण शोधतोय;

चल गडे थोडासा मनाचा आभ्यास करूया|

चल गडे आपली पण चूक शोधूया|

चल गडे थो...डस जग जिंकूया ||

-      By me.


4.     Who was I valuable to today? (Where was I helpful today to somebody?)


At nobody.


5.     How did I take care of myself today?


Today, I failed to take care of my physical health.

Mentally : I learnt and tried to by heart the subhashit which I wrote above.

Emotionally: I shared my true feelings with my childhood friend Ronak Patel, my Priyankadidi regarding my Marriage Invitation. I took care to control my thoughts and tried get them into a right direction.


I enjoyed writing this. Meet you in the next blog. Comment your views. Thank you.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Inspired from Five Questions for Champions - by Ron Kurtus

I started writing for me with the new thought of a book. 

Five Questions for Champions - by Ron Kurtus:

I have just read outlines. I will read the whole book soon.

The School for Champions philosophy divides Life into five major areas:
  • Character,
  • Knowledge,
  • Excellence,
  • Value and
  • Health.

To have a fulfilled life, you must succeed in all of these areas. By asking yourself five simple questions each day, you will be move toward a happy, fulfilled and successful life.

Ask yourself the following questions every day:
What am I thankful for today?
What did I learn today?
Where did I do a good job?
Who was I valuable to today?
How did I take care of myself today?

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Sportsmanship Everywhere: A Universal Virtue

  "Sportsmanship Everywhere: A Universal Virtue" is not just a statement, but a philosophy that underscores the importance of appl...