Thursday 22 July 2021

When I Think on 'Freedom of Speech'


Hey ya! How are you?

What do you think about 'Freedom of Speech' ?

Should it be there ? How it can be approached ?

When I think on the topic, I think like this.

Sometimes I think, it is freedom of speech that would be reason of world war. Ha Ha ! Many reasons we have inculcated within us, with lots of experiences that always INSTRUCT from the corner of our mind that What to speak, how to speak with whom we are speaking, how to express our thoughts etc. etc. etc. 

Wikipedia - "Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The term freedom of expression is usually used synonymously but, in legal sense, includes any activity of seeking, receiving, and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used."

When I was reading an incidental story by Padma Shri Sudha Murty, "Freedom of Speech", from a small book 'The old man & his God' I was also diving on the ocean of my thoughts.


Let me try to sum up here.

When Sudha Murty and her friend Alka approached maid Tulsi's house, they heard that Tusli war berating her husband like anything. With abusive words, lot of scream, showring the choicest abuses at him. The matter was, her husband used savings of wife for his own purpose without consent of wife. the same thing was happened, in similar way with Alka.

I agree that, when you used someone's earnings from sweating and hardwork, without taking his/her consent, no one will accept easily. but, in the story I learnt the behavioral difference between Alka and Tulsi. Alka is learned, civilized person, called 'Queen of Speech' by her friends whereas Tulsi belonged to uneducated and backward area, staying in slums.

Tulsi - For the reason being, she scolded her husband. (Husband was standing with his head bent low. But when she saw Alka, she calmed down slightly. (That is her behavior when someone respected is there.) She also managed to control her emotions. She broke down with Alka.

On the Other hand,

Alka - For her reasons, she was furious, but have been keeping all this anger inside her for long time. She believed, she is living in civilized society. She can not shout and scream at husband for the sake of neighborhood's agitation. The bold, confident orator lay ruined due to the thout of "Civilized" culture and control on self.

During the thought process I thought about below things:

  • What my parents learnt me how and what to speak?
  • What I instilled (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction from my parent's behavior, that how and what to speak?
  • What society taught me regarding tacit of speech ?
  • What I inculcated from society?
  • How I speak with certain group of persons (friends, collages, Life coaches, relatives etc.)?
  • What is my spirit of speech during different phases and scenarios ?
  • Think, do have right to abuse someone?
  • Think, are you standing at right stage to speak right thing, right way?
Above things really matters when you speak with someone, you enact, you mark, you point,  you tag someone,  you tag something.

My parents taught, "Remember, God is living in him, too. He will get hurt if I speak inappropriately. To hurt someone's mind is also a violence. We should connect our mind with brain before we speak"

I also learnt one Subhashit (Quote) in Sanskrit,

अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्‌ ।
अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः॥

amantramakSharaM nAsti, nAsti moolamanauShdhaM |
ayogyaH puruSho nAsti, yojakastatra durlabhaH ||

Meaning: There is no letter that is not a mantra, no plant that is not medicinal |
There is no person unworthy, what is lacking is an 'enabler' ||

Letter becomes words, words become Sentences, and Sentence from your mouth becomes speech. When letters correctly arranged with words, becomes greater speech and thought. So you decide, whether you want to create Mantra (Good things) or something else which is not worthy. People also say, "Use your words after filtering them 

I think, in India people are grappling with the thought and opinions related to "Freedom of Speech". Now it is depending upon only you like and dislike, whether the quote has been philosophically, psychologically, truthfully (etc. fully) verified and said or not. All sermon, allocution, expatiation, pulpitry are coming from just someone's mind. The mind may be learned, unlearned, pretended to be learned face, anything, anybody. On the name of "Freedom of Speech" they speak anything. (Like I am writing, hahaha)

Express your thoughts With Freedom of speech in comments.

Take care alot!
Happy readings!

(These thoughts are my own thoughts. If someone wrote earlier than, as it is written. would be just coincidence.)

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