Tuesday 24 May 2016

કૈંક ખૂટે છે!

કૈંક ખૂટે છે!
મારામાં પણ અને તારામાં પણ, કદાચ;
કશું ના બોલ, નહીંતર અહિયાં શબ્દો ખૂટે છે.

મન ભરીને બોલું એવી દૂનિયા ખૂટે છે,
મનથી બોલું તેવું સંભાળનાર કોઈ ખૂટે છે;
કેટલું સાચવું?
હા! મારી લાગણી ને સાચવનાર ખૂટે છે.

સમજણ ના ખાડામાં પગ ફસાયો છે,
ને કોઈ સમજી કાઢનાર ખૂટે છે;
ગેર સમજ થઇ ગઈ છે કોઈને,
બસ! સમજણ આપનાર ખૂટે છે.

મન ભરીને હસવું છે,
મન ભરીને રોવું   છે; ને 
હસવા ખીલતો ખીલખીલાટ ખૂટે છે,
રડવા ખૂણાનો ખોળો ખૂટે છે.

થોડો ઘેરાયેલો છું આ દુનિયામાં,
થોડી એકલતા ખૂટે છે;ને અહિયાં,
સાવ એક્લોછોડી મુક્યો અધવચ્ચે,
બસ! તારો એક જ સાથ ખૂટે છે.

નજર સામે બધા પ્રેમ કરે બધાને,
ને અહીં પીઠ પાછળ બધા કોસે છે;
બસ એક જળ ઝુબાન ખૂટે છે; ને અહિયાં,
સાચ્ચો એક જીગરી દુશ્મન ખૂટે છે.

ખૂટતું રહ્યું છે, ને ખૂટશે જ, અહિયાં,
માણસ છું, મારી સાચી ખોટ સમજનાર ખૂટે છે;
રાહ જોઉં છું પૂર્ણઅવતાર તારી; ને અહિયાં,
બસ તારી એક હાજરી ખૂટે છે.

-ઋત્વિક વાડકર   

Wednesday 6 April 2016

મારી 'મા'

દોરંગી સ્વપ્નોની દુનિયામાં, એક જ રંગ ગુંજતો રહ્યો તે 'માં'.
સૃષ્ટિના ગણગણતા કાયદામાં, વ્હાલો એ અણસાર સ્પર્ષ્યો તે  'માં'.

આંખ ખુલે, ને એ આંગળી પકડે,ખોળે લઇ ફરી સુવાડે;
અંધારા આંચળમાં પ્રશ્નોની પડખે,બસ તારું જ આલિંગન પોઢાડે.

મારા સ્વપનો સજાવે, જગાડે, વધાવે, ને વ્હાલા હાલરડાં હૃદયે સ્પર્ષે;
ઉમરાથી લાખો સુધી શીતળ એ તડકા માં,તારા હૈયાના અશ્રુઓ સ્પર્ષે.
લાખ લૂખા સંબંધો લાગે અધૂરા, જયારે તું જ મને કરે પૂરો;
તારા ગર્ભ થાકી દુનિયા છે પૂરી, ત્યારે અલખનો ધણી પણ અધુરો.

લાખ પુણ્ય અર્પીને માંગ્યો મને, તારા ગુણગાન ગાતા ના થાકું;
પકવાનો મળ્યા મને ભૂખ્યા ત્યારે, જયારે તારા ચરણોની ધૂળને હું ચાખું.

- ઋત્વિક વાડકર  

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Be an Anchor Of Your Values

Tale-1. A father of two baby girls is doctor, arrested during in apple pie order, under Pre-conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act for prenatal testing.
Tale-2. A minister arrested for corruption.
Tale-3. A man holding extraordinary educational qualifications and securing a rank in IQ test of well-known organisation was divorced for not balancing with family life and work life.

Can you think what need in these above stories was? Values! What do you mean ‘Value’? If you are thinking about An amount, answer of a mathematical equation etc. then simply stop. Open your mind (Not Dictionaries or Book) and think about it.Write somewhere the meaning you derived from your own mind about ‘Value’.

Before we go to the meaning, think about few items for ‘What is important to me?’ Physical appearance, family life, being honest, to have power (Political, Money etc.), respect, Marriage, Love, Satisfaction, Success, Accomplishment, Enjoyment, Be trusted, etc.What?

Meaning of Values

There are so many debatable questions and dilemmas about Values in Life.According to me, Values are those inner standards from which you receive the motivation to act as you do and by which you judge behaviour (both yours and others). It may signify what is important and worthwhile according to moral codes and ethical behaviours. Your value might be based on many aspects like, family religion, social background, gender etc. But they do guide individuals, professionals and Institutions.

Now, follow steps written after this para. Open your Notebook and write down 10-20 names of values you mean e.g. ethics, honesty, family,Veracity etc. and give rank top ten Values according to you. A good way to do this is to look into your past life to identify your good choices of decision. Define those ten Values and write them. Remember, after this task you are going to follow youar values according to the list because after doing this you will try to follow your values and make difference.
Step 1: Look into your past when you were happiest

Step 2: Look into your past when you were most proud

Step 3 Look into your past when you were most fulfilled and satisfied

Step 4: Determine your top values, based on your experiences of happiness, pride, and fulfillment

Step 5: Prioritize your top Values

Step 6: Reaffirm your values

Values are usually fairly stable, yet they don't have strict limits or boundaries. Also, as you move through life, your values may change. For example, when you start your career, success – measured by money and status – might be a top priority. But after you have a family, work-life balance may be what you value more.

As your definition of success changes, so do your personal values. This is why keeping in touch with your values is a lifelong exercise. You should continuously revisit this, especially if you start to feel unbalanced... and you can't quite figure out why.

Identifying and understanding your values is a challenging and important exercise. Your personal values are a central part of who you are – and who you want to be. By becoming more aware of these important factors in your life, you can use them as a guide to make the best choice in any situation.

Some of life's decisions are really about determining what you value most. When many options seem reasonable, it's helpful and comforting to rely on your values – and use them as a strong guiding force to point you in the right direction.

Why we need to have Values in Life?

The answer comes after following your values of life. Values plays vial role to build a character. Sometimes if you desperate of being value follower, be brave, honest and faithful to yourself. Right equations of success always have calculated use of correct values.Shree Sai Baba said, “Man is lost and is wandering in a jungle where real values have no meaning. Real Values can have meaning to man only when he steps on to the spiritual path, a path where negative emotions have no use”. When you value something, it has a positive quality for you.
So, be  an anchor of your values that lost at sea.

वनेऽपि सिंहा मॄगमांसभक्षिणो बुभुक्षिता नैव तॄणं चरन्ति |
एवं कुलीना व्यसनाभिभूता नीचकर्माणि समाचरन्ति ||
Lions in forest, who eat flesh of other animals - will not eat grass even if they are very hungry. Similarly, persons born in good families will not perform any misconduct even in odds. Meaning of respectable family should be taken here as families with values.

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